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Boost Your Hotels CRM for more Revenue & Guest Loyalty!

Elevate Guest Experiences with Innovative dailypoint™ Solutions

Revolutionizing Hotel Guest Experiences with Deep Links

Dr Michael Toedt | 16.04.2024

Discover how one of our clients transformed their hotel operations and enhanced guest satisfaction by integrating CRM deep links. This blog post explores the strategic implementation of deep links to streamline online services, offering a step-by-step guide on replicating this success in your hotel management system.

Maximize Guest Experience with Marketing Automation

Dr Michael Toedt | 09.04.2024

Explore how to boost hotel guest engagement and efficiency. Learn about the benefits of easy loyalty account access and direct links in emails, and how they improve guest satisfaction. For more details or to customize these features to your needs, learn how to quickly contact your account manager or place a no-obligation inquiry.

Unlocking the Full Potential of CRM & Loyalty Programs with the Profile Engine

Dr Michael Toedt | 02.04.2024

Explore the transformative power of dailypoint’s Profile Engine in the hospitality sector, automating the enrichment of guest profiles for unparalleled personalization and efficiency. Learn how to overcome CRM obstacles to improve loyalty and optimize marketing tactics, setting a new standard in personalized guest experiences and loyalty engagement with dailypoint’s cutting-edge technology.

50% Time Savings with ChatGPT!

Dr Michael Toedt | 25.03.2024

Discover how our AI Response Generator, powered by ChatGPT, is revolutionizing guest feedback management in the hospitality industry. Beyond the theory, we offer a practical look into how our solution empowers hotels to enhance guest satisfaction and streamline operations.